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Running AVS Operator

Becoming an operator in the RedStone AVS ecosystem is a unique opportunity to play a crucial role in a cutting-edge, decentralized oracle network. As an operator, you will contribute directly to the security and accuracy of data that powers smart contracts and decentralized applications across the blockchain. Not only will you be helping to maintain the integrity of this innovative system, but you’ll also have the chance to earn rewards for your participation.


The following instructions apply to setting up an operator in the testnet environment running on Ethereum Holesky (L1), where the EigenLayer contracts and Othentic contracts responsible for operator rewards are deployed. Additionally, the L2 Base Sepolia network hosts contracts that validate attester signatures and store the current price and its timestamp.

To become an operator in the RedStone AVS network, you’ll need to follow the four steps outlined below.

Step 1: Getting Whitelisted as an Operator

In order to register as an Operator, you must be first added to the operator whitelist.

Currently, we are in Phase 1, during which only selected operators are being whitelisted. This process may change in Phase 2, allowing for broader participation.

Step 2: Registering as an Operator

After being whitelisted, the next step in becoming an operator involves registering with both the AVS and EigenLayer systems. This registration process is essential for establishing an identity and enabling participation in the RedStone AVS network.

To register, the following command should be executed in the terminal:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \
operator register \
--l1-chain holesky

After executing the command, the following information will be required:

  • Operator's Private Key ( The Controller Key): This is the key used to sign up with the Othentic shared security protocol and is the account to which restakers delegate their staked assets.
  • Use a different private key for Consensus? ( The Consensus Key): Choose "Yes" if you want to use a separate key for signing consensus messages, otherwise select "No" to use the same key.
  • AVS Governance Contract Address: the following contract address should be entered: 0x58ab5f17D13E56F6048890BBC7Ba3E44d00A3ED8
  • Rewards Receiver Address – Optional. If left blank, it defaults to the operator's address.
  • If you are not yet registered with EigenLayer, you will be prompted to provide additional details, such as your operator name, description, website, logo URL, and Twitter profile.

After registering, please inform us, so we can add you to the restricted attesters list for the task definition.

Step 3: Depositing Stake on a Supported Strategy

After registering as an operator in EigenLayer, you must deposit stake on one or more of the supported staking strategies. This stake ensures that the operator has a financial commitment to the network.


Having a non-zero stake is essential to obtain voting power in the RedStone AVS ecosystem. Without it, your operator is inactive and will not be able to participate effectively in consensus and governance.


After being whitelisted, you will receive some RedStone Beta Points, which be can used for restaking.

Below, you'll find the list of currently supported staking strategies. You can either use the deposit command provided for each strategy or perform a restake manually via the EigenLayer application (Restake).

EIGEN Strategy

Strategy Address: 0x43252609bff8a13dFe5e057097f2f45A24387a84


Deposit Command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \
operator deposit \
--l1-chain holesky \
--staking-contract EIGENETH

RBP (RedStone Beta Points) Strategy

This is a temporary staking strategy used only on Testnet.

Strategy Address: 0xb489145e027eE17A33c145aE498c920F89DF640A


Deposit Command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \
operator deposit \
--l1-chain holesky \
--staking-contract-address 0xb489145e027eE17A33c145aE498c920F89DF640A

Step 4: Preparing the Configuration File

The next step involves creating a configuration file that will define the essential parameters needed for the operator to function correctly within the RedStone AVS network. This configuration file, named .env, should contain the fields that are defined in the .env.example file.

Below is an explanation of each field and information on which fields need to be filled out:

PRIVATE_KEYThe Consensus Key
OPERATOR_ADDRESSThe public address of the Controller Key (optional if both private keys are the same)
L1_RPC / L2_RPCThe RPC endpoint addresses for the L1 (Ethereum Holesky testnet) and L2 (Base Sepolia testnet) networks, respectively
AVS_GOVERNANCE_ADDRESSAddress of the AVS Governance contract (0x58ab5f17D13E56F6048890BBC7Ba3E44d00A3ED8)
ATTESTATION_CENTER_ADDRESSAddress of the Attestatcion Center contract (0x6af9B9272fc72CaC55ccDF6c2BC2c5703a65a187)
ANNOUNCED_ADDRESSESsee frame below for details
  • The fields marked with comments (#) need to be filled in with the appropriate values specific to the operator’s setup.
  • Instead of using a .env file, you can set these values as system-wide environment variables.

If your docker container has IP address that is publicly available leave --announced_addresses and $ANNOUNCED_ADDRESSES parameters in docker-compose.yml commented out. Otherwise, to make sure your node can be connected to from our aggregator node you need to provide your public address in a form of multi-address details. You will need to fill-in ANNOUNCED_ADDRESSES variable in docker-compose.yml.

  • If your node is available via IP address use the form starting with /ip4/.
  • If, on the other hand, your node is available via domain name use the form starting with /dns/.

Both forms require you to learn your <peer_id>. To figure out the value that should replace <peer_id> placeholder run node for the first time with --announced-addresses commented out in docker-compose.yml and in the logs search for the Listening on the following addresses phrase. Peer id starts with 12D3K. Once you know your peer id, uncomment the correct variable in .env, fill-in the <peer_id>, <ip_address> ( or <domain_name>) and uncomment --announced_addresses and ${ANNOUNCED_ADDRESSES} params in docker-compose.yml.

If your docker container cannot be reached from the internet you still can be an operator but there is a risk that your node will lose connection to the rest of the network from time to time and you will need to restart it.

See also Othentic docs on this topic.

Step 5: Running the Operator

To operate within the RedStone AVS network, two Docker images are required: Attester and Validation API. These images can be launched using the Docker Compose configuration available here. To start the operator, simply run the following command in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file:

docker compose up

This will initiate both the Attester and the Validation API services as defined in the Docker Compose file.


The docker-compose.yml file includes a volume mount for persistent storage:

- .othentic:/app/.othentic

This directory is used for storing persistent data, following the Othentic documentation. You can adjust the path on the host machine to this volume according to your preferences.


The above two Docker images do not necessarily need to be run using Docker Compose. Depending on the chosen hosting environment, they can be deployed in a variety of other ways that best suit the operational setup.

Updating the Operator

In order to update the Operator code:

  1. Go to directory with the docker-compose.yml file (cloned from the Operator repository)
  2. git pull
  3. docker compose restart

Metrics and monitoring

In order to enable monitoring and metrics, start the Operator node with --metrics --metrics.port <port> params. For more details refer to the Othentic docs.

Validation API

The RedStone AVS network is using Othentic standard Validation API, which is exposed on the POST /task/validate endpoint. Refer to the Othentic docs for full specification.

Unregistering the Operator

If you no longer wish to operate within the RedStone AVS network, you need to unregister your Operator with the following command:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it \
operator unregister \
--l1-chain holesky

You will need to provide the Private Key and the address of the AVS Governance contract - 0x58ab5f17D13E56F6048890BBC7Ba3E44d00A3ED8;

Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: 1 vCPU
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Storage: 1 GB
  • Internet: Stable and fast connection is recommended